Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Did You Know?

-Dual Diagnosis refers to co-occurring mental illness and drug and/or alcohol dependency. It is more common than many people realize, with 37% of alcohol abusers and 53% of drug abusers also having at least one serious mental illness (source: Journal of American Medical Disorders). In order to recover fully, a person with dual diagnosis needs treatment for both problems. 

-Some of  ShelterCare's Mental Health Program consumers have a dual diagnosis. ShelterCare clinical staff work with each person to determine a course of treatment that is appropriate for his or her specific and unique needs. After both issues have been addressed, and a course of treatment has had time to be effective, many of our dual diagnosis consumers progress to new levels of independence and productivity. The majority remain clean. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

ShelterCare Board Member's Op Ed

Check out the wonderful op-ed in the Register Guard written by ShelterCare board member Ed Necker. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday's Ready-For-The-Weekend Link List

-A new study indicates that an intervention that provides housing for people who are homeless with alcohol dependency without requiring abstinence from alcohol was associated with reduced health care costs and a decrease in the use of alcohol. 

-Today, Navy Admiral, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff addressed a lunchtime audience on the topic of some of the problems faced by many combat veterans returning home, among them homelessness. He stressed that these problems will not go away anytime soon, and that things need to be done to help veterans readjust to civilian life. 

-Homeless tent cities keep springing up in communities around the country. 

-Close to home: On any given night in Washington state, 9,000 children do not have a safe place to stay.