(Lindsay is leaving us temporarily for some much deserved R and R with her family. She leaves with lots of things to look forward to upon her return.)
Sadly, this will be my last blog entry for a while as I am off to visit family for a few weeks. I am happy to say that everything seems to be falling into place for both the life skills class I will be teaching at Uhlhorn, and the events going on here in Development.
The more time I spend milling over the possibilities for the class, the more excited I get. I am trying not to get my hopes up too high because I have never done anything like this, but I can't help but see the potential for success. I now have a tentative curriculum schedule, which covers an array of topics over an 8 week time period. The topics include, but are not limited to, sexual health and safety, cultural awareness, nutrition, and interviewing. Even if the residents take away nothing from the lesson plan, at least they will have a chance to socialize and enjoy themselves. I cannot wait to share more once the class actually begins!
Also, as you know, we had our first trail run last weekend. It was a beautiful August morning as the runners gathered at the start. Myself and a few other volunteers waited at the other end with snacks and water. About 80 runners and walkers traversed the course as we patiently waited to hear how it went. The feedback was great as the runners flooded in for some nourishment. Of course, like with any event, not everything went perfectly and we learned some lessons that will help us in future years. Overall it was a great success and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the new events have to offer.
Well, that is all for now. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of summer! See you in September!