Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lindsay the Intern: Fall Term

After a long and much needed break from the grind of life as a working college student, I am back and ready to dive into the exciting happenings going on at ShelterCare. I am sure you have heard (if you haven’t I am not doing my job) about our latest and greatest event: Jack-O-Lanterns on 5th. This event is truly inspiring because it is community-oriented, philanthropic, and fun. I have to say that I am personally extremely excited about this event because it combines two of my favorite things: Halloween and helping. If you typically cannot afford to support causes you are passionate about, this is the event for you. It only costs two dollars to enter a pumpkin into what is to be the biggest pumpkin display in Oregon! I hope to see you all at the 5th street Public Market on October 24th, for what is sure to be an amazing time.

Aside from my work with development, I am also working on my senior project at the Uhlhorn Program, ShelterCare’s program for people with Acquired Brain Injuries. My project consists of building and implementing a strengths-based life skills curriculum. This week, we started classes despite my overwhelming nerves. I have never taught anything and I was apprehensive about my abilities to lead a class. I think that the fact that I am teaching to people who are older than I am has added to that anxiety because I don’t want to condescend or offend any of my students. Thankfully most of my fears were put to rest after this week. Uhlhorn has such an amazing and helpful group of residents that I felt at ease when standing before them. Together we made our way through the confusing world of nutrition and learned to cook a healthy meal. It was a great experience and I look forward to future weeks and topics to be covered.

I am glad to be back and will keep you all posted on the progress of my class and ShelterCares cool events!