Friday, January 9, 2009

A Warm Community Helps During Cold Times

This holiday season brought cold temperatures and snow to the valley. For many of us the storms provided a little holiday cheer and excitement, but for the homeless, weather like this can be disastrous. This year a record number of groups ran successful coat drives for ShelterCare. Barnhart and Associates Real Estate, Body of Light Family Chiropractic, the Eugene Active 20-30 Club, and a community volunteer group were able to amass a stunning quantity of warm clothing, providing our programs with enough coats and sweaters to outfit residents in need for the rest of the season.

In the picture above ShelterCare's development associate Brad Bassi happily receives a few of the many coats collected by Body of Light Family Chiropractic.

Everyone here at ShelterCare would like to extend a hearty thank you to the fine businesses and individuals that coordinated these clothing drives and helped to make the holidays a little warmer for some of the most vulnerable people in Lane County.

1 comment:

sscheerer said...

I recently lost my husband and would like to donate some of his clothes, including socks (per your article yesterday). Please tell me how to contact you for address, hours, etc. I live in Florence and will be in Eugene next weekend.